Networking events like Kush Marketplace offer a range of perks to people attending these local events. Whether you are after the free swag, scoping the latest industry innovations, or finding valuable connections with potential new customers or clients, there’s something to benefit you. Business opportunities can occur through your involvement in these events. Whether you have a booth or not, make an appearance and use this as an opportunity to network.
Local Event Benefits
Kush Marketplace brings industry representatives together from across Washington state. I attended one a few months ago that had employees of Eastern Washington brands promoting their products. While interacting with representatives from all parts of the cannabis industry. These brands are becoming more visible by networking consistently. The more they take and engage with locals or customers from across the state. You can be the person that connects people together by making yourself more visible as an industry representative.
Collaborate projects can be curated at local events as well. When you provide people with the opportunity to intermingle with industry professionals ideas are going to flow. Flower companies meet extraction companies they may never think of working with. Representatives from stores can meet with growers or extractors to stock their shelves with new products they may have never heard of. Local events make these opportunities a possibility and simple to accomplish. Kush Marketplace does a fantastic job at creating these opportunities for industry professionals. The only way we are going to grow is to continue to work together.
A sense of magic overtakes some of these events. The people all gathered for the same reasons, to continue to move the industry forward towards federal legalization. A sense of pride can overcome an attendee that visits one of these events. Being able to see how far the industry has come is inspiring and realizing how far it still has to go is challenging in the best way possible.
Networking and the sense of pride you build in your community through being a part of these local events is worth the participation. Whether you get content or advertising as part of your involvement in them. You can use the network you create for your own benefit.
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