The Jurassic Park saga continues next June with Jurassic World 2: The Fallen Kingdom. Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard return to save their extinct friends from an erupting volcano. This sequel also features the anticipated return of Jeff Goldbum’s character, Ian Malcom to the franchise. Anytime “life finds a way” to bring Jeff Goldbum into our lives, we should be thankful. On top of that, Netflix dropped the first look of Jessica Jones season 2.
There’s a lot to get excited about in 2018, and Star Wars: The Last Jedi comes to theatres on December 14 to finish the year off with a bang. Catch up on the latest trailers with one of the numerous Cookies strains found on recreational store shelves. One of RMR’s favorite girl scout cookies cannabis strains is Alien Girl Scout Cookies.
Usually refereed to as Alien Cookies, this strain is a cross between Girl Scout Cookies and Alien Dawg, AllBud reports. An relaxing hybrid that has flavors of sour vanilla. It’s often recommended for pain relief and insomnia. This strain is a hard one to find, so make sure to grab if you’re lucky enough to come across it.