The genre-defying Macntaj just released a track he’s featured on with Brillz and Hydraulix. The song Fourth Kind is the first in a series of collaborations being released on Twonk Records.
Excited to announce a new compilation series from @twonkworld !!
we r about to drop 9 new songs on you over the next week!!!
the first one is my new one w @hydraulixdub and @itsmacntaj
— BRILLZ (@ItsBrillz) November 20, 2017
I’ve been expanding my mind into more “EDM” recently, and this track definitely intrigued me. It’s like Brillz and Hydraulix came back from the year 4,000 then dropped Macntaj into a remote Peruvian village, and distorted his voice to take over as an alien overlord.
I’m usually not into the more computer generated noises which is why I tend to stay away from electronic music but the way Fourth Kind is presented didn’t turn me away. I’ve already listened to the song about five times now since I started writing this. If you’re a DJ, make sure you add this to your next mix.