There have been rumors for years that once you begin running, you experience a “runner’s high.” A “runner’s high” may imitate the feeling you get after smoking cannabis.
While past studies have shown that this occurs due to the activation of the endocannabinoid system, there is new research that sheds more light on this phenomenon.
Exercise Activates Your Endocannabinoid System
While endorphins are partially responsible for the pain-relieving and euphoric effects, exercise changes the microbiome of the gut and increases the abundance of anti-inflammatory and “cannabis-like” molecules called endocannabinoids. According to Miami Herald, researchers call them “cannabis-like” because they behave similarly to the cannabinoids produced by the cannabis plant.
Photo by Avery Meeker on Unsplash
“Our study clearly shows that exercise increases the body’s own cannabis-type substances, which can have a positive impact on many conditions,” the study’s first author and research fellow at the University of Nottingham’s School of Medicine in the UK, Dr. Amrita Vijay said in a news release. “As interest in cannabidiol [CBD] oil and other supplements increases, it is important to know that simple lifestyle interventions like exercise can modulate endocannabinoids.”
The Study Focused on the Pain-Relieving and Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Working Out
There were 78 total participants, all over the age of 45. Those involved in the study had painful knee osteoarthritis. 38 volunteers performed daily strength exercises while the other 40 participants didn’t exercise at all. The participants were compared to a group of healthy adults without osteoarthritis. The study went on for six weeks.
Photo by Bruno Nascimento on Unsplash
The researchers collected blood and stool samples that revealed higher levels of endocannabinoids. In conclusion, exercise significantly improves the number of gut bacteria responsible for creating an anti-inflammatory response in the body.
Running or exercising may help you feel better overall, and it’s also proven to help lower inflammation in your body. What a great reason to double down on your high, smoke a joint, and go on a run!