When I was 16, I found out what it meant to be “too high” and I will never forget it. I was at my friend’s birthday kick back and we were all newbies experimenting with marijuana together.
The birthday boy doubled as my cannabis dealer since it was illegal back then, so we smoked pretty steadily throughout the day to celebrate. My tolerance was extremely low since I was a beginner, but I toked up that day like a champ.Later in the day, as my friends and I sat on a playset at a nearby park, I began to feel uneasy when everything started spinning- almost like I was drunk. I felt nauseous and soon it was too late as I turned and vomited all over two of my friends.
That’s when I knew I was too high.
While times have changed and usually smoking weed doesn’t result in illness (in fact, cannabis is commonly used to treat nausea), it is important to exercise caution. If you ever find yourself too deep in a dank joint and need to sober up, I have some tips to help!
1. Don’t Panic
Being too high is a scary feeling. It isn’t uncommon for some smokers to experience paranoia when smoking weed and it really only makes it worse to panic. In the history of marijuana consumption, there has never been a reported overdose or death. So keep calm and remember that it is a temporary state. You WILL come down and the high will eventually diminish altogether.
2. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!
Water is life.
Always make sure to drink a lot of water or juice while using marijuana. Not only will drinking lots of fluids keep you hydrated but you will be able to keep that cotton mouth at bay! Cannabis also intensifies things like food and drink so drinking something delicious like a smoothie or some sweet juice can actually be a great experience and therapeutic if you are feeling a little too much sensory overload.
3. Do something to keep your mind occupied
Thinking about being extremely stoned can throw you into even more a panic and sometimes it can be really difficult to pull yourself out of an unhappy trip. Trying to keep busy by doing something simple and fun like watching a movie, listening to music or hanging out with some friends can be a great way to bring you back to reality. Some other activities to try can be found here.
4. Know your tolerance
Typically, if you are past your breaking point and consider yourself ‘Too High’ you probably aren’t very conscious of your tolerance to marijuana. Going hit for hit with someone who is a regular stoner isn’t going to be the best idea if you only partake a few times a year and you will most likely find yourself too high. It can all be avoided if you know your own body well enough. I advise you not to push yourself. You would be surprised on what your body can and can’t handle.
and last, but not least…
5. Go to sleep
This is a failsafe for almost anything. When you fall asleep, it is almost like hitting a restart button. This allows your body time to rejuvenate itself. If all else fails, this is your best bet. Marijuana has a tendency to make people sleepy anyway, so this is a last resort if you are truly just in a bad spot. Even if you can’t fall asleep, resting your body by laying down can help to return your vitals to where they should be.
It’s cool to know your limits!