California company Sprig pushes out sparkling THC and CBD-infused sodas that will refresh, as well as relax. Heralded by publications such as VICE, Rolling Stone, and The Hollywood Reporter, Sprig must be doing something right. Currently, their THC-infused beverages can only (at this point) be legally purchased from one of their many California retailers. However, their CBD-infused beverages can be distributed nationwide, which is a major plus.
The Hollywood Reporter praised their product as being “an upgrade to that writer-room favorite, LaCroix, Sprig citrus-flavored soda—powered with 10 mg of THC cannabis oil for mellow inspiration.” In the way that LaCroix has seen much success as an alternative to sugary, sodium-filled soda, Sprig is taking it one step further by offering the user added elements of relaxation. This is the perfect soda to substitute for beers on any hot beach day. And if you were wondering, it doesn’t taste like weed at all!
Sprig Soda At The Emerald Cup
Not to mention the packaging—this is a clean looking (as well as tasting) product. This is the kind of labeling that the average consumer wouldn’t bat an eyelash at purchasing on a hot day despite the 10mg of cannabis oil that is infused in the beverage. Products such as these are breaking down the barrier of what strongly useful characteristics cannabis-infused items are to the occasional (if ever) consumer of flower or oil concentrates. Experienced consumers of cannabis products, on the other hand, will welcome a beverage that refreshes and relaxes… one that isn’t alcohol. Many regular consumers are looking for THC-infused alternatives to many of their existing vices. Sprig is already paving the way for a clean, enjoyable, THC-infused soda out in California—let’s get this product out to the rest of the PNW, hell, the world!