Last week Nick Weaver dropped an electrifying single called Soundbyte. It was written and produced by himself for his upcoming EP, ‘Photographs of Other People’. Using his lyrics, this song is basically a “..fuck you from every angle, like Karma Sutra.”
There’s an early 90’s rebellious vibe to this song. A lo-fi chill electro beat engineered by Sendai Mike, carries Weaver’s heavy hitting bars that fire shots at hypocritical America. From the beat, to the content, to the chorus, everything about this song is invigorating.
Nick is such a nice guy that this song is available pretty much everywhere. You can buy it for $1, stream it for free, DM him and see if he’ll accept one of your finest goats. Doesn’t matter how you listen to it, you will still be supporting his music.
Soundbyte – Nick Weaver
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