New EP from Raz Simone
“Macklemore Privilege & Chief on Keef Violence”
Raz Simone releases his newest EP just a few months after his Cognitive Dissonance Part II project. “Macklemore Privilege & Chief on Keef Violence” finds Raz at a different place than his previous work. On Cognitive Dissonance Part I and II Raz provided insight into his own thoughts and contradictions while on Macklemore Privilege & Chief on Keef Violence we find Raz discussing the much broader spectrum of social structure and racial divides. The music and topics are always deep with Raz but this project truly hits home within the time period we are currently living and Simone doesn’t hold back the questioning that many turn the other cheek to. This is some great music and deserves a spot on your iPod.
He has released visuals to ‘Macklemore and Chief Keef’, ‘Drake And Macklemore’s Platform’, and Same Problems (featuring Gifted Gab and Fatal Lucciauno). I think I got some flack by saying Raz Simone was at his best on Same Problems…I saw a few other opinions that positioned Gab and Fatal out did Raz on that record. While they killed that record indeed, the record was Raz’s and the voice he has found within music along with the overall concept was super ill to me. ‘Them’ is nothing less than the previous, but I do have to say that Fatal absolutely bodied this record from the moment he gives it the Notorious B.I.G. “Uhhhh” right before the verse until the last chorus hits. The visual is incredible and the beat is captivating (that kick has some 80s Phil Collins type vibe to it and just hits so right). I am curious what kind of permit they needed to get all these strapped up kids walking through Capital Hill though?
“Feels good to count your first five racks don’t it? Feel good to pay bils with the dirty money. Lord knows I can’t do this when I’m 30 homie”