Otys, the smooth pop-soul Nebraska native, is back with another vibe titled “Clockwork” produced by Jake Crocker. The talented vocalist has been on the rise in Seattle, first garnering major attention with his track “Seasons” featuring Terra Zoutman. The track was touted for it’s indie-rock inspired melody and production on behalf of AD Labs.
“Clockwork” has the sound and quality of a hit you might hear on the radio, with an upbeat/ bubbly beat and more pensive lyrical content. Singing about an endless cycle of searching, learning, and trying again in life. Whether it be love or adventure, Otys believes you can always start the clock back.
“Clockwork” is a testament to the hard work and passion that is brought to the studio by so many local contributors. When music is created organically in this way it’s usually when you get the best tracks and “Clockwork” is keeping true to that. With continued quality and sound like this Otys could be Seattle’s next radio breakout. Watch and listen to the full music video below and let us know what you think in the comments section!