Most Portland neighborhoods typically have a Nectar dispensary near by. With 12 different locations around Portland, and locations in Eugene and Tillamook. Currently, they’re in the process of purchasing other cannabis dispensaries to expand their reach. Their rapid expansion isn’t causing them to sacrifice quality or excellent customer service, as they’re rated the number one dispensary in Oregon on a regular basis.
Offering a constantly fresh selection of cannabis is important. Oregon laws allow stores to display cannabis in large jars. Customers are provided the chance to smell and closely inspect the cannabis before deciding to make a purchase. This also means that it’s important to keep cannabis fresh, Nectar does that just that. They routinely test their products to ensure that they meet industry standards put forth by the state of Oregon. Their products are tracked from start to finish so that a budtender can provide any information about the strain you need.
Being a massive chain around Portland provides Nectar with the chance to maintain a very wide selection of cannabis products. While there isn’t much variation in menu’s between stores in the Portland area, having such a wide area of reach and service area means you can move product mroe quickly.
They offer online menus for each of their stores. This allows you to determine exactly what you want before entering the store. While cannabis has come a long way, it seems like Nectar’s hold on the Western Oregon market is pretty strong.
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