In the ever changing soundscape of electronic music, the consumer is always looking for the next musical movement. In the PNW we have a diverse palette of producers, but I haven’t really found one quite like label owner and producer, Justin Hartinger. Aside from his solo productions Justin has been working on a new project called, “The CODA Sound”, CODA for short. CODA is an indie electronic music label centered around the more sensual palette of electronic music.
After my first listen though their debut release:
Palette 001
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One of the things that stuck out to me was the level of cohesion between the tracks. Justin talks a little bit more about that below, but I really felt like the tracks took the listener on a journey from start to finish. Listening to Palette 001 drew forth a sense of enlightenment. As the tracks unraveled one by one it felt as though there was a stimulation of the senses; a tinkling of the creative nerve endings. It’s a special thing when you hear a track that gives you goosebumps. My favorite track from Palette 001 was:
brothel. -Julie
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Altogether, it’s nice to see a label owner step outside the box of commercial electronic music and put energy into a project that is fresh, clean and hits you in the feels. To follow up Palette 001 CODA also just released its first single, ‘Heavy Petting’ by local sound engineer/producer Qreepz ft Brigette Battle.
Qreepz ft Brigette Battle – Heavy Petting
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Of course I had to get a little more info for you guys with ‘Real Respects Real’ to really get a sense on what the vision for this project is.
Real Respects Real: Today we discuss The CODA Sound with label head Justin Hartinger
Q: In light of the recent snowpocalypse in Seattle, WA are you more of a Hawaiian ice or snow cone kind of guy?
A: Hawaiian ice, not because of my family in Hawaii, but because I like softer textures in my mouth.
Q: Now that we’ve literally broken the ice; What’s the message you want to send to your listeners with Coda? What is the Coda sound?
A: The message I would like to send to the listeners would be that not all “EDM” is “anxiety” music. The coda sound is romantic with an edge; like Danny Zuko, but with less grease.
Q: Palette 001 was just released. Tell us a little bit more about how you put together such a carefully crafted collection of sounds.
A: I had to learn how to say no (which was tough), but when you want something specific some people’s feelings are going to be hurt. As far as how it was put together, if I had those 18 songs on a USB, that is the order I would play them in, which sounds like it may not have taken a lot of time to get the track list the way it is, but it did.
Q: What/who are your biggest influences when it comes to your taste in music?
A: Rihanna, Cashmere Cat, Mariah Carey, A$ap Rocky, Clams Casino, Nirvana, Steely Dan. As far as what influences me: raw emotion.
Q: One thing I noticed about everything you do is that it all holds a special aesthetic. Can you talk a little bit about your thoughts on the principles of art, beauty and taste.
A: Thank you, I really appreciate it. That means a lot to me. “Art is either a plagiarist or a revolutionary” to quote Paul Gauguin. Yes art is subjective. But when it comes to an individual who is on the receiving end of that art, there really is no in between. I base everything I do aesthetically off trying to be a revolutionary and not a plagiarist. But that is not up to me, I just continue to make and appreciate art.
Q: Last but not least since we are approaching the holiday season; Do you think Santa is a nice guy or a suspicious character. There have been some reports that he is shifty.
A: He’s definitely sus. Back in high school when I was out by the flagpole, he and I had a conversation about whether aliens would win in a fight versus cowboys. And when he told me aliens would win because they don’t have cowboy hats to slow them down, I thought that was a little bit suspect. And that year for Christmas I got not only one coal, but two.