Parenting kids in school this time of year is interesting. There’s usually a school event you need to attend for your child. Let’s not pretend these aren’t unforgivably boring. Where an ocean of boring adults and cheesy Christmas music lay in wait. The next generation of America’s Got Talent contestants are singing loud and horribly out of key.
JP Guide: Surviving School Concerts
1. Make a plan: Consider your child’s grade, when they might perform, the size of school they go to and whether you’d prefer to sit or stand. Also if you’re going to taking photos or video recording. Make a plan and stick to it.
2. Smoke a bowl: Shortly before the beginning of the event. Being stoned can elevate a PG social gathering that isn’t stimulating for many adults. Consider, some of us hate Christmas music, and people; but mostly Christmas music. Cannabis helps you stay chill in confrontational moments. Maybe annoying kids who aren’t yours want to play in your dress? Or the lady behind you that won’t stop talking during the performance. Perhaps there’s a “service animal” you’re not sure belongs in the building… Hybrids are recommended so that your chill, but not too chill for a parent in a social place.
3. Give them the spotlight: No matter what happens once you get into the building, do not let anything or anyone ruin you being there for your child. As a way to discredit parents in the cannabis community, people will say trying to escape your child’s event, but that’s not true. You were there sharing that experience with your child. You enhanced their experience, by enhancing your own through cannabis.
4. Smile and enjoy: Enjoy the Christmas spirit that comes from children, with all their wonder and delight for the holiday season. Using these tips for year-round school events is suggested. Results may vary, depending on the event.