The Northwest is finally being blessed by the art gods later this month. As the Untitled (1982) art piece done by the legendary, Jean-Michel Basquiat makes its way to the Seattle Art Museum. Basquiat, a controversial artist in the 80s, made art pieces in regards to wealth, poverty, power, racism and more. He passed away at the age of 27 and left a legacy behind. Basquiat can commonly be heard in the same conversation as Andy Warhol, Keith Haring, and Pablo Picasso.
The piece coming to Seattle titled Untitled, sold last year as the 3rd most expensive painting ever at $110.5 million and getting such a relevant piece like this to Seattle is one in a million. Try and think of this as if the Mona Lisa was coming from Paris to the Seattle Arts Museum. That is what this is comparable to.
This is a huge deal for Seattle and the art museum and will hopefully open the doors for the future for getting relevant pieces of work and art that people should see. As the piece rotates on a world tour, its first stop was in Brooklyn and will head to Seattle from March 21-Aug. 13., then to Europe. You do not want to miss out on this!