High Rollerz BJJ (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu) tournaments infuse the sport with cannabis. Their intention is to educate viewers and eliminate the negative stigmas that people have about cannabis. The idea that cannabis users are lazy and just sit on their couch still exists in some peoples minds. What better way to change that view than to use exceptionally fit athletes in an ultra-competitive setting? Snoop Dogg’s compound in Los Angeles will host the championship tournament in December.
In order to compete in the championship in LA, athletes must compete in an open tournament and place either first or second. There have already been a few qualifying events. Future qualifying events for the championship will be held in Denver, Seattle, New York City, and San Diego. Each of the qualifying events Prior High Rollerz champions are also able to enter. Athletes can also receive invitations for standing out at competitions. Cookies, RAW, Humboldt Exotics, Reserve, Ember Valley, Red Bowie, and GLD are sponsoring this years tournament series.
Vice, High Times, Dope Magazine, MMA Fighting, and Cannabis Culture have all featured High Rollerz BJJ. Winners of previous tournaments can be seen posing with huge bags of Cookies cannabis, it looks like the prize is definitely worth it.