Whether you were aware of it at the time or not, you have probably smoked a descendent of Granddaddy Purple (GDP) and have even smoked GDP itself. Before legalization, you had to rely on your “guy” to provide the name of whatever you were buying. Often times referred to as the chronic, you had no idea what you were buying. The names of strains are more readily available with the legalization of cannabis across North America.
Cannabis genetics are being plastered all over the packaging and providing huge advantages for consumers. You can track down world-famous strains that you previously only heard in popular rap songs. Granddaddy Purple is one of them. Famously deep purple colors coincide with patches of green woven throughout. Bred out of the Bay Area California in 2003 a powerful blend of Purple Urkle and Big Bud. These are both knockout strains, making GDP a heavy-hitting couch locking indica.
If your to-do list for the day is more than two or three things long avoid this strain at all costs. You’ll end up stuck to your couch, slowly liquifying into the cushions as you find the motivation to satisfy your munchie pangs. However, if you need to manage insomnia, nausea, or pain then I cannot recommend locating Granddaddy Purple.
Granddaddy Purple is available in recreational and medical dispensaries across the country. It’s also responsible for creating the Purple Punch strain, which is one of the most popular indica’s on the market.