Looking for more exposure for your music? Well, you have come to the correct blog post. Respect My Region has curated digital playlists since 2011 and we have now moved our talents to Spotify. We are proud to announce that YOU can now add your favorite EDM artist’s music to Respect My Region’s Interactive EDM Spotify Playlist.
- Add 1 Song to the Playlist via Spotify
- “Follow” Respect My Region on Spotify
- SHARE the playlist on Social Media (Don’t forget to tag us!)
Failure to follow these rules will result in your record being deleted from the playlist. (No exceptions!)
If we all spread the music, we will ALL have a larger platform!
Get Featured on RMR’s Interactive EDM Spotify Playlist
If you don’t have a Spotify account, you can create a free account using your Facebook profile.
Are you a Soundcloud user? Don’t worry! We’re still curating playlist at our Soundcloud page. Give us a follow and shoot us a message so we can begin setting up our brand’s support of your music.