dyro interview

Respect My Region Interviews Dyro – Talks Evolving As An Artist And 2018

Hey ya’ll it’s your boy Rome. This time around I’m bringing you a short interview from Dyro hailing from the Netherlands. Dyro will be performing this week in Seattle at Foundation nightclub, details to that event can be found below by clicking the image.

Dyro In SeattleDyro has been on a tear over the last year showcasing his talents around the globe at TomorrowWorld, Ultra, New York’s Electric Zoo and London’s prestigious Ministry of Sound. With an arsenal of new material and high caliber collaborations, Dyro is prepared for big things in 2018. This, of course, includes an upcoming collaboration with GTA and continued community support through Dyro’s label WOLV Records. WOLV is a label built around his sound and supporting up and coming artists. 2018 is poised to be an incredible year for him and I’m stoked for you all to check out these upcoming tracks. You can check out previous releases here:

Dyro’s Soundcloud

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/users/782695″ params=”color=#ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”300″ iframe=”true” /]

Let’s let the man talk!\ I sat down with Dyro for an exclusive interview leading up to his show on Saturday to get some information on his upcoming projects and direction for 2018.


RMR: It’s a new year which means as an artist you get a clean slate what do you want to accomplish on 2018?

A: I’ve been working on a lot of music throughout 2017 but I’ve been taking my time to make sure everything is perfect for 2018. I’ve been taking things slow and steady, finalizing contracts and details. I have a collaboration coming out with GTA that we’ve been sitting on for what feels like forever. I’m glad that is finally making it out into the world. I have a solo track that takes a different route from the more bass-heavy stuff I’ve done previously. That’s gonna be dropping soon. I’m excited, and it’s cool to be able to experiment and not be defined, 2018 is gonna be dope!

RMR: Where do you envision or do you envision your musical landscape shifting?

A: Well like I said, I have a solo track dropping next month that is going to be pretty major. It’s not releasing on WOLV I can say that for sure. I think it’s a lot more “accessible”, but still has an edgy, individualistic vibe. I guess you could say that my landscape is changing in that sense. That is that I’m not being defined by one sound, but I have always said it’s important to experiment and evolve. As long as you’re being true to yourself and not rolling with someone else’s vision; that’s all that matters.

Switching Gears…

RMR: Any juicy gossip on any big collabs you have lined up? Of course ones you can talk about.

A: GTA! We’re releasing our collab very soon and it absolutely kills it – I can say that, haha – we’ve both been teasing this out for around six months now so to finally give the fans the real deal is exciting.

RMR: For the new fans what has been your favorite release so far?

A: I think, recently, my ‘Set Me Free’ EP, signaled in an important change and stage of development in my career. I’d just signed to a new management, and mapped out exactly what it was I wanted to do in the next stage. This allowed me time to breathe, plan and take a step back. It was a form of release for me and to show the fans, look, I’m still here making music. I’m just at a crossroads. But I never forget where I came from, so many of the tracks and artists I’ve collaborated with mean so much to me for different reasons. I appreciate it all.

RMR: What message do you want to send to your fans coming out this weekend in Seattle?

A: I’m so stoked to be coming back.Seattle is always off the hook and I hope you’re all ready for a crazy night!

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/playlists/198796901″ params=”color=#ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”300″ iframe=”true” /]

Check Out Dyro’s Upcoming Tour Dates:

12/01/2018 Stereo Live, Dallas, Texas 

13/01/2018 Foundation, Seattle 

18/01/2018 Time Nightclub, Cosa Mesa, CA 

19/01/2018 Celebrities, Vancouver, BC


Stay Connected


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