DEELYLE just dropped his latest album titled Era. This album features a unique fusion of hypnotic melodies, gritty and grungy guitar tones, crisp bass lines and winding synths. DEELYLE’s incredible vocals paired with music production by Candlight captures the evolution of music that is unleashing the old and embracing the new. You can check out the album below:
I like to let the music do the talking. When you listen through this album for the first time prepare yourself for a multidimensional experience. This album highlights the versatility and technical precision many of us aspire to achieve. Pairing this incredible album with an unrivaled aesthetic, DEELYLE offers something special that we haven’t seen yet. If I had to choose just two tracks, I’d say my top picks from the album are ‘Hellbent’ and ‘Bleeds Together.’ These two tracks create the spectrum for music that I love. Its amazing seeing an artist produce both multiple sides of the spectrum and do it in a cohesive way. Don’t just take my word for it! Have a listen and find out for yourself.
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