Y2K Associates is back in the game as the Bay to Vegas connection to promote a fantastic online show. This is Y2K Associates’ 20-year celebratory event open to talent Nationwide. After becoming “Bay Area Famous” in the late ’90s, the promoter has moved on to conquer Vegas and, as of now, we are forming a Bay to Vegas connection. Our efforts will produce #y2k20show.
The CEO, Will Lyas, is an all-out guerilla marketer and promoter who does whatever it takes to produce and execute a show. In the early days, promotion primarily was printing 5000 flyers for public distribution. This was a mandatory norm 90 days prior to each event to get maximum exposure.
Now in 2020, it’s less about printing and more about how well you know the Google and Facebook algorithms. Digital sharing through social media posts and email blasts have taken over as far as getting the word out. Everyone is basically online through their phone or computer at least 15% of their day. During this shelter in place, this number has only increased exponentially. Now promoters have to adapt and promote online shows according to how they are received. In cyberspace. Hence, the manifestation of a collaboration of the Bay Area and Las Vegas.
As a result of COVID 19 and shelter in place orders, the Hip Hop Community Worldwide needs more platforms and opportunities for talent expression. Now online with the right promotion and tools, we can provide an audience of thousands to see our performers where only 300 may have been able to fit in one of our venues. The Y2K20 Show is an excellent outlet to perform for music talent across all genres in the country. The date is set for October 10-11 to have a Round 1 event.
One promoter still in the game in the Bay is DJ Igor Beatz. He promotes online while running his own station Bay Life Radio. He will also be one of the featured DJs along with DJ Flawlezz, and DJ B Knuck. This year we are facing the hardest of times with the pandemic and we all need a pat on our backs. It’s been a real struggle for everyone and the whole world is shifting in many different directions; politically, socially, spiritually, and economically.
Many businesses are slowly reopening including clubs, casinos, and bars, but online events are still the safest bet. Many promoters and clubs have already been taking to online events and are doing well. Y2K and Lex Luther Entertainment are not only recruiting talent from Las Vegas and the Bay Area but from all 50 states. All talent from any genre is encouraged to register and compete.
We are #stillhere and #covidcantbeatus are the two hashtags born from this pandemic next to #blacklivesmatter. So we are promoting the Anniversary show online for a $2k prize package. Feel free to reach out with any questions regarding how to register. Info can be found on Klickpay.net.