Queens by way of Seattle emcee, Aaron Cohen, released his Home Less EP towards the 4th quarter of last year. We are just catching up with dude and getting him on the blog, but Cohen is a name I’ve been familiar with for a few years. I have to admit I never knew dude was from Seattle until he reached out and emailed us! He has that Queens sound/look so I never thought he was from anywhere else.
Home Less is a mix of hip-hop and spaced out instrumentals with bars and a mild tempered flow to the entire project. This is something you can easily play riding around during the day or let slap while your running some 2k. Aaron’s talent could be masked by his calm demeanor but his skills are far form that.
You can cop Home Less on iTunes here. Also check out Aaron Cohen’s video to the Home Less’s first record, Sidelines.
Follow Aaron on Twitter at @AaronCohenRap