On May 19th, join Mistress Matisse and her team of cannabis sex-perts as they launch Velvet Swing at Diego Pellicer. From 6-7pm, visit Diego and learn about how this revolutionary lubricant can bring your erotic life to a whole new level.
Velvet Swing Launch Celebration
Velvet Swing is a new water soluble cannabis lubricant that is revolutionary in the world of sex and marijuana. If you’re looking to achieve a better sex life, this product is proven to be effective in delivering longer and stronger orgasms for 8 out of 10 females.
When I sampled this lubricant and waited the full 30 minutes prior to my encounter, my experience was significantly more electrified. To learn more about how to have better sexual encounters, orgasms, and more, just visit, www.velvetswing.com.
Follow Respect My Region on Facebook or Twitter for details about our experiences with marijuana-infused lubricants. Let us know what you think about other marijuana-infused products in the comment section or on social media.