The vaping community grows every year as acceptance and technological advances push the community forward. This method of consumption is discrete and much less smelly than smoking. People have relied on vaporizers to clean up their presentation and to be able to get high on the go. Perfect for people making their way through the city, those trying to get a break at work, or even relax at home, vaping is perhaps the most convenient method of cannabis consumption.
As far as for choosing vaporizers there are several different types. First off, anyone coming out of college in the last ten years known PAX. They were one of the first reliable dry-herb vapes. Disposable vapes of a similar design and the classic PAX models have defined a generation of cannabis and nicotine users. These will always be the youth choice for vaping. However, there are several other options including C-Cell pens and Vape Mods or advanced personal vaporizers (APVs.) One of these options is the Smok Alien 220W.
While APVs may not fit into your sleeve during class as well as a slimmer vape, the Smok Alien 220W is a powerful and compact vaporizer. Not only is it portable, but it comes in blue and silver for the price of £60. A currently running discount takes that down to £43.97. This Reddit thread and comments provide a further understanding of vaping within that budget price, but the Smoke Alien 220W is a solid choice.
Vaping: How to Make the Final Decision
At Respect My Region, we’re familiar with vaping and vape products. While there’s no perfect vape that will be the right fit for everyone, the Smok Alien 220W is a good purchase for the price. Always make sure to look at the specs and read any user reviews you can find to help make the final decision. Happy vaping!