The Dab Roast is a new celebrity interview show that pits the guest against a grueling gauntlet of cannabis concentrates. The show was created by Level 5 Interactive’s Scott Mckinley. Level 5 Interactive focuses on creating content in the virtual and augmented reality spaces.
The celebrity interview concept has been molded and sculpted into all kinds of shows over the years. From old-school interviews around a desk on The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson, Jay Leno, and Conan O’Brien. While rudimentary interview shows still exist, there is also a new breed of eclectic shows that invite celebs to go sneaker shopping or eat incredibly spicy chicken wings. The Dab Roast will let people test their cannabis tolerance against 10 different dabs with their host DabLifeMike, who is also the head of extractions at GreenRush.
“What is on the fringe?” Mckinley asked rhetorically. “What has a good possibility of going viral in a world where people have seen everything? So 10 dabs in a row is pretty extreme and it takes a hard person to step up to the plate,” Mckinley explained.
The test for the hosting job was just as extreme as the show itself. Mckinley had to make sure his host wouldn’t lose their shit after consuming copious amounts of THC. So, he challenged a bunch of cannabis influencers and industry professionals to the Keep Your Composure contest — which involved taking a one-gram dab to the head and answering a series of questions. Only one man stood afterward, and that was GreenRush’s DabLifeMike. After filming a practice episode, he resoundingly took the gig.
Mckinley decided to take the politics out of the show, in a move to make the show solely about the conversation between Mike and the guest. The show isn’t about reviewing concentrates or putting other extraction companies on blast, it’s about answering questions and talking about life while you get exceedingly high. All of the concentrates are swapped out of their original packaging into neutral Dab Roast jars.
Mckinley is patiently waiting on their talent booker for word on season two. Their talent booker also works for Complex Networks. Mckinley requested a bunch of high profile stoners like Doug Benson, Joey Diaz, Seth Rogen, A$AP Rocky, and Kevin Smith. The Dab Roast’s inaugural season currently has three episodes out now featuring guests Chris Crayzie, Michael Winslow, and Simon Rex A.K.A. Dirt Nasty. The season finale features Peter Dante, known from Grandma’s Boy, is a hall of fame member of Adam Sandler’s Happy Madison Productions.
Rex actually doesn’t smoke weed anymore and famously brings guests to smoke his weed for him on weedcentric shows. This leads to Rex’s first question, which is basically why do you go on weed shows and not smoke weed? Unfortunately, Rex stopped smoking weed for mental health reasons. One day, the two-decade strong stoner had to give up his relationship with cannabis.
“I feel like I lost my best friend,” Rex said. “I miss weed.” So Rex’s guest got slowly melted dab after dab. Cold sweats were had, film breaks were taken, and Rex’s guest was thoroughly dabbed out. “Simon still got super stoned just from standing next to him and smelling the dabs–but from here on out Simon’s the only person we give that pass too and everybody actually has to dab,” Mckinley said.