K Shiday & Enchanting have dropped a new song titled “No Luv” featuring Gucci Mane, Big Scarr, and Key Glock. Their latest release is the expected lead single off their upcoming project. With all of the artists working with Gucci Mane’s label, everyone is turning up and celebrating. There is no question they are bringing pure heat to the table. Having the support of Gucci Mane is also no mistake, as they release a single that is bound to make waves in hip-hop community.
With their new single “No Luv,” the raw yet candid verses showcases the varying styles and deliveries of all artists. All of the verses are heavily focuses on the rhyme schemes that are created. These qualities are accented in the instrumental. Produced by J Whit Did It, the hard-hitting crisp production is rather simplistic. With that said, it features many exciting electric guitar sounds that pair well with the verses which elevates the entire song.
K Shiday has ties to the Seattle area and it’s dope to see one of our own get national shine and provide more opportunities for the area. While we were late to get on the Shiday bus, her submission was a clear winner on our Listen Up Challenge a few months ago and we can’t wait to see what waves she makes in the industry. All of the artists are heating things up in a big way, and their latest release cannot be missed. With summer coming to a close, they are turning up and showing no signs of slowing down anytime soon. As they will continue to drop more new music in the future, they are wasting no time getting their fans hyped.