Fearce Vill (and YTW’S new artists Romaro Franceswa on the interlude) comes in over an absolute banger from BeanOne. This beat goes so hard. The video has a dope intro cut with everyone cover in the neon yuk the world face mask, this is a good look for Seattle. This music video was filmed by Tony Sosa and edited by BeanOne. This video has an awesome vibe, and is a different look from what we have been seeing out of the Seattle area hip-hop. Lets hope Fearce Vill keeps going in this direction, as it’s a nice change of pace.
As always, be sure to check Fearce Vill and BeanOne out on all the social media outlets. Here are all their Twitter handles: @FearceOfDymeDef, @BeanOne.
Also, be sure to check out Yuk The World! WWW.YUKTHEWORLD.COM. Those masks in the video are an awesome look at what Yuk The World is all about. They have some pretty original designs, and they always seem to come up with more. Great stuff! Be sure to let us know what you think of this video in the comments below, it’s always nice to hear what our fans think of the ever changing Northwest hip-hop music scene.