Yesterday, Jay Child released the video to his track “Free Ya Mind”, featuring Tope and Kimberly Monique, produced by Cee Goods. Starting with a solid track, V1 Creative made this video in a way that keeps the focus on what matters — the music and the people. V1 kept things interesting, but didn’t distract the audience or flood the listener with too many bells and whistles. I appreciate when artists can create something original and entertaining from what is real and what is raw. We have been blessed in the Northwest with some pretty great urban, city scenery and there’s no reason to take this for granted. Always true to the fans, these artists chose to open their video with a simple dedication to the city they love so much. Well done, Jay Child, V1 Creative, Cee Goods, Tope and Kimberly Monique. I like what you’ve made here.
@JayChild @CeeGoodsSmacks @itsTOPE @KimberlyMoniqu @v1CreativeUS