Never in my life have I enjoyed anything related to the Seahawks. I’m a diehard Raiders fan and yes I was born in Cali. I reside in the beautiful Pacific North West and in no way, shape, or form do I support the Seahawks. With that said, this #12thMan track from local Seattle producer/dj, Instant Party! is a freakin banger and it’s the only thing #12thMan related that I’ll ever truly enjoy. Once the beat drops and all of the SeaTwurkey samples cut off I’m able to go a little crazy and not feel weird about supporting something related to the NFL’s SECOND best team. Maybe if Russ would’ve bumped this song before the big game he wouldn’t have thrown that interception to lose the Super Bowl.
Check out Instant Party!’s banger showing his support for the #12thMan!
I definitely fuxx with the track and feel like it has solid potential to become the anthem for this next Seahawks football season. What are your thoughts? If you feel like this represents all of the 12s be sure to share it with your friends on Twitter and Facebook. You can follow Instant Party! on Twitter @InstntPrtyMusic or like his page on Facebook at